Tunnel of Love 2019

By The Sanctuary (other events)

2 Dates Through Feb 16, 2019

Since the early 1900s, The Tunnel of Love has been synonymous with romantic adventure, thrills and chills.  The tour for couples would embark on a predominantly dark passage which would be filled with wonderful and frightening surprises around every corner only to be given a short, quiet reprieve which would allow the couples to relax, but only for a moment until the onslaught of scares were introduced once again. 
These scenes offered a socially acceptable "excuse" for physical contact at a time when public affection or even holding hands was considered inappropriate.
100 years later, The Sanctuary has continued this tradition with a version of The Tunnel of Love "Lights Out" tour.  You will be given an LED torch lamp to navigate through the attraction.

The Sanctuary

Mailing Address

7650 W Reno Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73128